Thursday, July 23, 2009

It's that time of the year again!!

Treasured Scrapbooking

It's here - our biggest contest of the year - The Treasured Hunt!
This will be a six week contest. To enter, upload your very best layout into the Treasured Hunt gallery-Eligibility Entries category by 9pm (EST) Friday July 31st. The Design Team will vote and the top 25 entries will move on to compete in the contest. Following is the timeline of the contest:

Eligibility Round - deadline Friday, July 31th - 9pm (EST)
Sun Aug 2 - 25 contestants announced

1st round
Tues Aug 4- 1st challenge announced
Mon Aug 10 - deadline to upload entries (9pm EST)

2nd round
Tue Aug 11 - announcement of 20 contestants moving on/2nd challenge posted
Mon Aug 17 - deadline to upload entries (9pm EST)

3rd round
Tue Aug 18 - announcement of 15 contestants moving on/3rd challenge posted
Mon Aug 24 - deadline to upload entries (9pm EST)

4th round
Tue Aug 25 - announcement of 10 contestants moving on/4th challenge posted
Mon Aug 31 - deadline to upload entries (9pm EST)

5th round
Tue Sep 1 - announcement of 5 contestants moving on/5th challenge posted
Mon Sep 7- deadline to upload entries (9pm EST)

6th round
Tue Sep 8 - announcement of 3 contestants moving on/6th and final challenge posted
Mon Sep 14- deadline to upload entries (9pm EST)

WINNER ANNOUNCED - on or before September 17

After the 25 contestants are chosen, weekly challenges will be posted on Tuesdays and entries must be posted in the appropriate challenge gallery by the following Monday at 9pm (EST).

Pages will be judged on photography, creativity, originality, relativity to challenge theme and overall design. Winners for each round will be determined by the Design Team and myself.

Please pay close attention to the requirements of each challenge! Ask questions if you need clarification! Any deviation from the challenge requirements listed will result in disqualification. This is only to be fair to those who follow all of the requirements. We ask that all entries be posted only to the Treasured Scrapbooking gallery until the end of the contest or elimination.

PRIZES!! (Now to the good part!)
GRAND PRIZE: Prize Package worth over $250 of scrapbooking supplies and a $50 gift certificate to the Treasured Scrapbooking store!!

2nd prize: $40 Treasured Scrapbooking Gift Certificate

3rd prize: $25 Treasured Scrapbooking Gift Certificate

All submissions must be original designs. Layouts submitted for any round of the contest (except the original eligibility entries) must be posted only in the TS gallery until the end of the contest or elimination and must not be published, posted or entered in any contest, in any magazine or on any website until the end of the contestant's participation in the contest.
Exception: layouts may be posted on your personal blog.

You must be an active member of TS to participate in the contest. Don't worry newbies...this doesn't eliminate long as you actively participate in the forum/gallery once you join, you're good to go!!

I am very excited about this contest and can't wait to see all the awesome entries! Good Luck everyone!

*note: number of entrants moving on in any round may be adjusted due to number of entries.

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