Friday, July 17, 2009

Lots to share today!

Toot-ta-doo!!! *running, squealing, waving my hands in the air like a mad woman* Wohoo!!!! Basic Grey accepted another one of my creations!!! I’m soooo excited! I put it together for a contest I participated in last winter, but I never thought until recently to submit it to Basic Grey. Boy, am I glad I did! The link to my Basic Grey gallery is on the side.

The white stitching is done with machine, the brown was done by hand. The cardboard flowers were handcut. I used two different sizes of cardboard for more texture and variety.

For my family and friends unfamiliar with blogging, click on the photo, it will enlarge so you can see the details, and read the journaling.

Here are a few thing I have been working on this week. Again, with Cosmos Cricket Early Bird line. I found the patterns for the pocket card, and the gift card holder in a card book. Aren’t they the cutest patterns?! Quick, easy and fun to make!

I stitched the edges on the pocket and the insert. The tab was created by folding a circle in half and stitching it to the insert. To make the band, I punched the edges, embossed some semi straight lines onto Coredinations cardstock, then lightly sanded. For a little zing, I added some stickles to the flowers on the pattern paper.

I didn’t want the stitching to show, so this time I used a rubon. I trimmed a Velcro circle in half and attached for the closure. The pocket is the perfect size for a gift card. How fun?!

After creating a couple girly type cards, I decided I needed a masculine one too!

Just a reminder….Online crop at Life Preservers starts this afternoon and runs all weekend. Come check out the inspirational challenges, cute make-n’-takes, and participate in the games….accept “steal the RAK!” That’s MINE!!!

Have a fun and safe weekend! Come back early next week and see what I accomplished at the crop!


  1. Congrats on Basic Grey accepting your layout. It is gorgeous!! Love all the details.

    Love that card set too, and the masculine card rocks!


  2. See...I told you that layout was AWESOME!! Congrats. That gift card holder is so cute. :)
