Sunday, August 9, 2009

my TS entry!

As promised!

Our instructions were:

Get creative!
Use 1 photo
Use a circle - 3” or bigger
Use torn paper
Must contain “I wish someone had told me that…” in either the title or Journaling

You really need to click on it to really see it....doesn't look like much in this itty bitty photo!

I have two circles - a vintage paper doily, and a coffee cup coaster from a restaurant...really!!! (hubby and I were out for lunch when I spotted it. The poor thing was begging me to bring it home and find a better use for it. How could I resist?!)
Torn paper - polka dotted flowers, pink roses, leaves & vine, journaling strips

For a little extra creativity:

All flowers were handmade -
tore polka dotted paper, wet, smooshed, dried, and I added tulle to the two biggest flowers
Tore pink paper, chalked edges, stickled edges
Stitched lace
Stitched scalloped velvet ribbon

The leaves and vine are torn, wet, smooshed, dried, then stitched on
The journaling strip is the packaging material from Prima! Don't they have the prettiest packaging!!...and it just happened to match my pp perfectly!

The journaling reads:
I wish someone had told me that none of my dreams would materialize, but life would be bigger and better than I could have imagined. I wish someone had told me that I would spend most of my life struggling with health issues, but through it would gain strength. I wish someone had told me that, rejection and skepticism from relatives and friends, would open my eyes to sincerity. I wish someone had told me that through the harshness of my first marriage I would learn appreciation and forgiveness. I wish someone had told me that being a parent brings heartache as well as joy, and through it all, my children would be the ones to teach me to live more freely. I wish someone had told me that there is no perfect marriage, and that there is no perfect man, but that I would find a true night in shinning armor, who would come to my rescue time after time. I wish someone had told me, that although my life would not be perfect, it would be prefect for me.

I hope it was worth waiting for!!

1 comment:

  1. This layout is gorgeous Jodi! I love the uber distressed layouts but am not good at making them.
