Monday, September 7, 2009

I love distressing!!

I really had no idea where I was going with my TS challenge, when I sat down. Once I got going, the ideas just came flowing! I love it when that happens! Makes creating such a sweet treat! I have to say, whether win or lose, I really like how this one turned out!

just a reminder, click on the photo to enlarge if you want to see the details.

Title - "This Day"
- one picture - 5x7
- 2 chipboard embellishments -Star, chipboard button, and grunge board leaf
- ink- masking, stamping, and distressing of photo, all embellishments, cs, and all pattern papers
- at least one brad -metal love brad on star, and two holding hardware
- 3 different ribbons -jute, black stripe, black gingham, blue gingham
- journaling including the words "this day..."

As I write, I am trying to adjust...trying to face the fact that my baby will be 16 tomorrow. I know that you have waited for this day for a long time, but I am just not ready yet. I miss the little guy that would snuggle up on my lap and fill me with slobbery kisses. How you would just fly in the door hollering “love you mom,” escaping as quickly as you entered. The weed bouquets picked on a whim were much more elegant than any store bought roses. You climbed this tree hundreds of times. I would have such a fit, afraid that you would fall out. You always worked so hard and I felt that you were cheating yourself out of being a kid. You are that same sweet little guy in a much bigger body. I’ve watched you grow and mature. I’ve seen your interests change to suit you. You are confident in who you are, not willing to compromise that for anyone. You’ve endured hardships beyond your years. I am so proud of the young man you have grown into. As much as I miss this little guy. I look forward to seeing what lies ahead. I have no doubt that you will handle what ever life brings you, with grace and dignity. You will overcome the obstacles in your path. With your strong sense of determination and strength, you will become all you dream and more.
As you have grown, so have the size of your toys, your stunts, and your dreams. I’m trying my darndest to keep up, but moms just take a little longer I guess. So, if you see tears in my eyes, remember that this day is not an easy one for me, but like before, humor me, I will adjust.

I created my own mask and inked some stars onto the background.

For the star near the center, I stitched the star shape onto the background paper, overlapping the photo a bit. I then cut out the center of the star with a craft knife. I inked the edges of the cutout. I placed a piece of pp on the backside of the background pp covering the hole.

I inked the edges of the photo. I really didn’t know if this was going to work, but I think it gave it a really cool effect!

I painted the star, then inked for the distress look. I inked the leaf with green, then did the edges in brown. I also inked the edges of the button, stamp, and “sales slip." Using the crop-a-dile, I punched a hole in the star for the brad(love)

For the letters, I left them plain natural, and just stamped the image.

Crossing my fingers, hoping to make it to the final round!


  1. Jodi your work has been simply amazing, I enjoy seeing your pages week to week! Good luck!

  2. Wow, this (and all of your pages) are amazing! It is apparent that you put a lot of time and thought into your pages and your journaling!

  3. I love this LO! It is so calming and yet the details are so amazing. You worked some real magic on this page!
