Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How exciting!!

I don’t know about you, but I get sooo tired of the mind games, and the self-made drama that some people create. That is what the new Dirty Scraps Challenge is all about.
Dirty Scraps Challenge #15:
Games are for children right?
I don't think so!! From the playground and kindergarten to high school, and beyond...life's little games.
It's so easy to get caught up in emotional games,
material games, and power games as an adult.
This challenge is all about recognizing those games.
Maybe you have relationship that you are always trying to one up
each other? Or you know a friend who is always trying to drag you into their drama.
Whether we like to admit it or not, every day we face some sort of game.
So go scrap it!!

So, without further ado, my first reveal for Dirty Scraps!!

Have an awesome day!


  1. OMG Jodi...your layout is AMAzING girl...I'm so frickin' happy that you are on the Dirty Scraps Dt with me...Love your work ;) And where did you get that bird, love it ;)
    Congratulations girl :)

  2. Wow, I love that cardboard base...you can basically make any element look elegant!

  3. This is really really beautiful, so glad I stopped by today to thank you for your sweet comment over my blog.

  4. what an amazing lo! firt off the journaling is so touching! and the design...and background...WOWZA! love your work...and what a scrumptious blog! i'll be back for more inspiration! thanks!

  5. Love your layout and thanks to your post on my blog, I have discovered Dirty Scraps! What a genius idea!!!I have become a follower of that and your blog because of your participation in the Thoughts2Paper Blog Hop! What a great world!!
