Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What fun!!

What a an awesome crop!! I wasn’t feeling well again, but the challenges and chatter were just the boost I needed!
Here are a couple challenges I posted. Feel free to play along for fun…and don’t forget to share your version with me!

First, I challenged the ladies to complete a layout in an hour using a fun sketch from Helen Croft at Scrap A Little…Thanks Helen!!

I am a super slow scrapper, but I finished this in 45 minutes! I am carving jack-o-lanterns with the kids today. I'll add a few photos of our pumpkins to this later.

Next, When I think fall, not only do I think of beautiful colors, crisp air, and lots of baking, Harvest Moon comes to mind…it must be the farm girl in me with all the late nights out in the field under the bright moon and blanket of stars.

Representing the Harvest Moon, my challenge to you is to use at least one circle on your layout, OR really challenge yourself and create a circle layout! And no, pre-made circle embellishments like buttons and brads don't count. :) Large circles, small circles, make your own embellie circles, stitch a circle, tuck one behind some layers or photo in your design....it must be something you cut/ made!

I am working on my pumkin tutorial and will have it up in a day or two!

Thanks for stopping by!

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