Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I'm back!!

Hello!!! Just popping to let you know I am still here!
No matter how much I prepare, the holidays and the end of the year always produces a flurry of activity beginning with the push to get the last of the gifts finished up and wrapped. The girls both love their trays, by the way!! If trying to get to all of the special events, as well as finding time for ourselves wasn’t enough, my poor hubby acquired a nasty flu bug which decided to hang around for about 5 days. Poor guy! Since my husband and I each operate our own business, end of the year also means ..the DREADED tax preparations. Imagine all the time I could have been scrapping rather than book work!! I know, it needs to be done but UGH! The positive factor, I have to say that it feels so good to have every last receipt and paper for 2010 logged and put into storage!!
After the holiday rush and taxes, it was time to concentrate on business preparations for the next few months…sounds important doesn’t it?! I was going to say not really, but I suppose it is. I took some time to dream and scheme up some teaching plans for my daycare kids. I’m not one for letting the kids sit around watching TV all day. I’ve got ABC’s, Numbers, shapes, and colors planned out each week as well as little activities such as science experiments and craft projects to coordinate….don’t worry, it’s not as much like school as it sounds. I figure they are kids and need time to be kids so if we aren’t have fun doing it, then it isn’t worth it!! We are just mixing a little education in with our playtime….I’m trying hard to acquire that happy medium! We performed an experiment yesterday by shaving 3 bars of soap (do you know none of the kids had ever heard of soap coming in bar form?!) and adding a bit of water, lastly we unwound a roll of toilet paper and added it bit by bit. With our hands, we mooshed and smooshed, squished and squashed! Eventually we added spoons for stirring, cups for scooping, and little toys just because! They had so much fun playing in our tub of goo! This week we are learning “Aa” & “8.” In conjunction with that, we made astronauts. I let each child cut 8 stars with the cuttlebug to add for “outer space!” Didn’t they do a great job?!

Things finally seem to be settling back into a regular routine. I even took time to do a bit of scrapping and boy, did it feel good! I hope to get it finished up soon and posted for you to see!

Thanks for stopping by!!

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