Saturday, January 7, 2012

Chasing away the Winter Blues!

Hello!!  This weeks challenge at Cheery Lynn Designs- Winter Blues - was my inspiration for today’s creation. 

I used a old jar from a candle, but you could easily create something similar using an old wine bottle, vase, or search you local thrift store for other ideas….the hunt is half the fun! Wouldn’t this make an elegant vase for that much needed bouquet to bring you out of those winter blues, or even a lovely candle holder for those cold winter nights!

Using adhesive backed craft vinyl, I used Snowflake #2 to cut several snowflakes. Since the snowflakes were small enough and easy to handle, I did not use transfer tape this time. I removed the backing of the vinyl and adhered the snowflakes randomly around the jar. Make sure all parts of the snowflake are snug to the jar; you don’t want any etching cream to leak underneath and ruin your image. Next, apply the glass etching cream over the entire jar/bottle. (I used Armour Etch) Wait the length of time listed in the instructions on your bottle, rinse the etching cream away. Add a ribbon and tag. Enjoy!

You still have time to enter this weeks challenge for you chance to win the $20 gift certificate! 
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. this is very pretty, jodi! i always etch the snowflakes, not the whole jar--love this!

  2. this is so pretty, i've never etched before but you make me wanna try it!
