Friday, March 8, 2013

Blog Hop Winner!!!

I want to send out a huge THANK YOU to all of you that visited the PaperHaus blog hop, and for leaving such sweet comments!!! I really enjoyed reading each and every one of them!! 
Now, on to the winners! 
The winner for RAK #1 is...    Wendy Brassart said...
Adorable card! I love all the colors of spring! I love seeing things come back to life! (leaves on the trees, the grass is green, flowers are blooming, etc.) It is hard not to be happy in spring!
  The winner of RAK #2 is ....       Kirsten said...
wow love that card, super cute. i love spring because it means winter has gone
  Ladies, please send your address to me at and I’ll get your prize right out to you!

Again, thank you all so much! I hope you enjoyed the hop as much as I did!


  1. Congratulations to both winners of the blog hop, Wendy and Kirsten!

  2. wow. thats so cool. thanks. i have emailed you.
